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Hermosa miss... ;3 me encanta :D

emilie, bellisima y super original como siempre, adoro todo tus conjuntos, y todos ellos me parecen super lindos, ademas de ese estilo tan propio que tienes que me parece fantastico.

Sorry u.u but I don't know the day... I know that this summer is when come but no the day I hope they say in a month ^.^ Emilie, We can speak for MP? Please n.n' is better xD

I haven't seen it yet but my friends told me that is a good duet ^.^

Mako anda Haru duet *.* Oh my god! I Had seen the character songs but no in duet jeje n.n'

No u.u I'll probably misssome caps of Free! T.T I'll go on holiday too! >.< And... what duet character songs O.O' I don't see anything.

Wow! Me encanta como va tu miss ahora ^^
Tienes siempre un estilo genial ;D

Sorry >.< SnK no! and SAO (Sword Art Online) it's a fantastic anime ^.^ some people on a game have to survive or die inthe game and the real life jeje The Second Season *.* Free! Eternal Summer !

m... I'm confused now xD This year take the new season of Free!, Shingeki no Kyojin, SAO and more... Hetalia no?

Yes I know it! *.* but I don't know when it is n.n' Sure in this summer I think... but I don't know the date sorry >.<

Yes! Your miss have a good style ^.^ She reflects many original styles! I saw Hetalia a long time ago and i don't remember all but I like all couples except China XD He's mine!

Is a m.. love triangle xD in Free! MakoxHaruxRin and in Hetalia y like Germany/America and France/England too ^.^ As soon as my style I think that is a originally and extrange and I don't think change my style ^.^ I like it !

Others couples... ^.^ Rintori and Nagirei from Free! and I love China from Hetalia and his panda! *.* jejej Latin is the solution to our problems xD and the podium... at the moment I think that I can't win n.n