Cualquier insulto o petición de voto será sancionado (expulsión definitiva).

Thank you ^-^ well, my miss is cosplaying Ashe from League of Legends haha It's nice to see how foreign people are in MissModa :) where are you from btw? hahaha

Woah! I am just here because I'd like to tell you that I love your new style! <3 Your Miss looks so rebel and dangerous ;3 It's amazing! you can do all types of styles, some days ago you had a sweet and cute style with the white dress and now it's totally different, however, in all the cases your miss look awesome! <3
¡Kisses! ♥

Yes, I totally agree with you, everything in Miss Moda (clothes, hair, jewelry...) is soo cute ♥ that's make me feel stupid because I can't save money for to much time, just because I spend it when some new items appear xDD
Sure! we can be friends, in fact, I added you to friends ;3 It's gonna be good for me to have an english friend here: with you I can practise my english x3
So if you want me to talk with you about whatever, I will be here! :3
Big Hug! <3

Hii ;3 I saw your Miss on the ranking and I just fell in love with her, she's sooo beautiful and her face is so sweet. Then, I entered into your Comments and I realised that you aren't from Spain xD but it doesn't matter I really wanna to congratulate you because you Miss is awesome ♥ Ah! and Sorry for my bad english, I'm trying to do my best ;3 it's nice to see that foreign people play the spanish version of the game.
Lots of Love ♥

your love and miss me i love the way dress, your cas fance is teh most that you well in the game

Muy bonita tu miss, lo que mas me gusta es que no es extrabagante ni nada por el estilo. Enorabuena, te mereces estar donde estas ;)